Written letters
Here we have put letters we have translated from some of the original letters written by Johan Magnus and Helena and their children. If you are interested in reading all the letters we have translated you will find these under the heading All letters, placed after those for individuals.
Johan Magnus and Helena - Written letters
Links to the letters (date and author):
19020325 Helena Petersdotter 2
19021019 Johan Magnus / Anna S
19101126 Johan Magnus Johannesson 2
August - Written letters
Links to letters (Date and author)
Ida - Written letters
Links to letters (Date and author):
Lydia - Written letters
Links to letters (Dates and author):
Maria - Written letters
Links to letters (Date and auther):
19450617 Maria o Karl Augustsson
Anna - Written letters
Links to letters (Date and author):
19110416 Ingaborg o Anna Samuelson
19540103 Anna Samuelson 2 (last known letter)
Johannes - Written letters
Link to letter (Date and author):
All letters
Here, we have added all registered letters in english from the original letters for those who want to follow a family's fortunes during nearly 50 years in the first half of the 1900s. Some examples of the same letters can also be found above and some can be found via this link: Scanned letters
Links (date and author):
19010210 Eva Gummesdotter 2 (Frank H´s mother)
19020325 Helena Petersdotter 2 (mother)
19021019 Johan Magnus Johannesson
19030521 Johan Magnus Johannesson
19030820 Johan Magnus Johannesson
19040523 Johan Magnus Johannesson
19101126 Johan Magnus Johannesson 2 (last known letter)
19110416 Ingaborg o Anna Samuelson
19110808 Ingaborg o Anna samuelson
19450617 Maria o Karl Augustson